Children's Ministry
More Information Coming Soon! - If you are the ministry leader, please get with Jacob Moore
Youth Ministry
Name of Ministry: ALTERED ( Fellowship Baptist Youth)
Director of Ministry: Cody Bridges
When do we meet:
Sunday Morning (Sunday School - 9:45 am)
Wednesday Night Youth Worship - 6:00 pm
Age Group: Students in Grades 6th - 12th
Description of the Ministry:
The Youth Ministry of Fellowship Baptist Church exist to Teach students God’s Word, Reach families with the Gospel, Serve others, and Worship the Lord!
Sunday Morning ( Sunday School)
Our Youth meet at 9:45 am every Sunday in the fellowship hall. After a brief announcement time, our youth join in a time of digging into God’s Word which is followed by a short small group time.
Wednesday Night Youth Worship
The survive begins at 6:00 pm and wraps up around 7:00 pm. This service is held in the Fellowship Hall. Wednesday nights are a time when our students can come together, fellowship, worship the Lord, and grow in their faith as one through singing and digging into God’s Word.
Students Activities:
Throughout the year, our youth ministry will have different activities to help us grow together as a group and in the Lord. Some of these activities include open gym nights, day trips, summer camp, weekend trips, as well as many other activities.
Director of Ministry: Michel Melton & Mayne Gooden
Description: As a group of men in the church, we come together to help each other with spiritual growth, Fellowship, and so much more! The ultimate aim of Brotherhood is to help men strengthen their relationship with God, support one another in their faith journey, and positively impact their families, communities, and workplaces.
When we meet: The men's ministry meeting is every Thursday at 6:30 pm EST in the fellowship hall! We serve food and have a bible study as a group. Any men is invited, for more information please see a Staff member! Please join us at our next Men's breakfast
Any information needed can contact the church!
Director of Ministry: Julie Bunn
Sisterhood meets once a month!
This is a Message from Sisterhood Ministry Leader Julie Bunn
Sisterhood is for all ladies 18 and over. This is where all ladies young and old come together to get to know each other and have a good time. We create bonds and friendships with each other no matter the age difference. We create new friendships with one another. We build relationships with each other. This is a group that we can share things that weigh heavy on our hearts and we pray for each other. We get together at least once a month to just have fun and to help keep our relationships growing. Some of the events that we do and have scheduled for this year is a karaoke night with a recipe swap. We are going to have a ceramic class, we are planning on going to an escape room. I am hoping that it works out that in October we can do a day trip to Elijay to the Apple Festival. We are also looking at doing another trip to Pigeon Forge this year. We went last year and had a wonderful time. We also do a secret sister drawing 3 times a year. This is completely voluntary. Those that want to participate will draw someone and will give that person gifts anonymously. Then we pick a day to reveal ourselves to our sister. Sisters aren’t just made by blood we are also made by a bond.
OASIS Ministry
More Information Coming Soon! - If you are the ministry leader, please get with Jacob Moore
Circle Of Love Ministry
More Information Coming Soon! - If you are the ministry leader, please get with Jacob Moore
Worship/Music Ministry
Director of Ministry: Danny Brown
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” Psalm 150:6
This versus us the Heart of the Worship ministry. Our Purpose is to lift praise to our God and lead His People in worship every time that we gather in His house. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:19 that we are to “speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”. Worship you see is more than just what happens on Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, and Wednesday Night. We worship the Lord through our lifestyle every day. As we gather every week as a Body of Believers, we should experience the overflow of walking with the board and a daily Basis. Here at Fellowship, we try to teach our people, from the youngest to the oldest, to be lifelongs worshipers of God!
Opportunities to Serve:
Adult Praise Choir - Rehearses Sunday at 8:30 am and 4:30 pm in the Sanctuary
- This group comprised of teenagers and adults 14 years and older, leads us in worship on Sunday during our 11:00 am and 6:00 pm Services
Adult Praise Band - Rehearses Sunday at 8:15 am and 4:30 pm in the Sanctuary
- This group helps lead worship by playing in our services on SUnday at 11:00 am and 6:00 pm. This group consists of people with the ability to play a band instrument, and who are willing and dedicated to rehearse each week. With this group, there are basic music requirements involving music reading and playing ability.
Youth Praise Team/Band - Rehearses Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and Wednesdays 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- This group consists of students (6th - 12th Grade) and adult leaders, who lead us on worship on Wednesday night for our Youth Service at 6:00 pm.
For More Information on these opportunities, Please contact Pastor Danny Brown at
Technology Ministry
More Information Coming Soon! - If you are the ministry leader, please get with Jacob Moore